Monday, 17 December 2018

More Progress

Once again I'm amazed at what this place has done for me.

Today as I began work I found myself feeling somewhat gloomy and I couldn't for the life of me think why. I was getting stuck in to a job that had been growing on me for weeks, but the feeling was like a malevolent tick. But suddenly it struck me. In the past I've worked in various roles, many of which I hadn't liked at the time. During these unpleasant hours I'd drifted off somewhere in my own head, just to get things done. I had begun to slink back into my old habits when I had no need to. There was no invisible Sword of Damocles, no other shoe to drop. Another pleasant day at work held no unpleasant surprises for me, and what unpleasant surprises there are in stonecarving are remarkably pleasant in comparison to anything else I've had to deal with before. As soon as I dropped my habitual defenses all was as it should be, and I experienced such a profound elation that it was difficult not to grin stupidly at an inanimate piece of stone.

Just a few days ago I had the privelege to hear Ewan Clayton deliver a lecture on an upcoming exhibition, and have since been siezed by an even madder enthusiasm for all things calligraphy. I met a great many kind and wonderful people as well, whose aquaintence I shall also treasure.


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War Memorial Cross

I really enjoy these more impressive projects. Once the finish is complete it'll be ready for installation atop the small stepped plinth...