Monday, 25 February 2019

Moleanos Headstone with mixed text.

My current lettering assignment, combining fine italics and proprietary sans serif.

Monday, 4 February 2019

New Content

I must apologise for the lack of content recently, there's been a recent landslide of things to do and I've neglected to take pictures. In recent news the boss and I have been going over the idea of possibly travelling to India in order to meet some of the marble and ghana stone carvers out there, and having a turn at some djali carving. This is incredibly exciting stuff. In my own time I've been looking at some of the ancient sanskrit texts and I'm dying to carve some letters in this sacred language. Will have more news and pictures for you soon!


War Memorial Cross

I really enjoy these more impressive projects. Once the finish is complete it'll be ready for installation atop the small stepped plinth...